About Us
Clinical experience, the NDT-Bobath approach, continuing education and training are the basis of our practice’s operation.
Our initial approach of the patient begins with:

the recording of all aspects of his functional capacity and possible impairments in detail

the setting of the functional goals

the formulation of the treatment plan
At regular intervals, progress is reassessed and, when necessary, the treatment plan is updated.
Detailed assessment is the foundation of the patient oriented treatment plan and the main prerequisite for obtaining an optimal result.
The recovery of function is our main goal. It is built upon:

Close cooperation with treating physicians, other members of the rehabilitation team and family.

Adaptation of the environment to the patient and of the patient to the environment.

Guiding and educating the family.
Treatment is patient oriented and offered by specialist therapists in the field of neurological rehabilitation. Our methods, techniques and modalities are in accordance with the current evidence base.